Logo Design Project
This project was an assignment created for a Design Studio class. The goal of the assignment was to create a logo for a concept based on a brand that I was given to conduct a Brand Audit for. The brand that I was given was Budweiser. I created a logo for a fictional Budweiser She Shed.

Final Logo Designs
Black & White

Design Concept
Budweiser She Shed kit is a prefab shed that one can purchase and deliver to their house. The She Shed will have three options an art studio, a lounge area, and a gardening space. She Shed gives hardworking ladies a place to relax and enjoy when they aren’t working.
The Logo would be not only on the packaging of the She Shed but also on the outside wall. The purchaser can choose where they would like it to be placed. A sign will also be given that can be hung inside the shed, and different merchandise would also be available.
Creating the Budweiser She Shed Kit, came from the desire to find a more feminine version of the Man Cave. She Shed’s are becoming more popular so that women can have their own space. Man Caves typically are filled with beer logos and different beer merchandise.
One of Budweiser’s marketing strategies focuses on having an ice-cold beer after a long work day. Budweiser wants to be the beer of choice for hardworking people.